Nbwaakaawin — Wisdom:
Wisdom is learning from our life experiences to become the best humans we can be.
We seek the truth by listening to the knowledge of the heart to understand our connection
and relationship with all physical and spiritual life. We share this wisdom to walk in
balance respectfully upon Mother Earth as we live the Seven Grandfather Teachings.
Use your senses to feel the natural world around you. Think about the life journey of the
water, rocks, trees, plants, birds, or the stars. What is their wisdom? What have you
learned today?
Nbwaakaawin — Wisdom:
Nbwaakaawin kenjigaade gaa-bi-zhi-bimaadizing ji-aawiying gwek eshchiged
bemaadizid. Ginindowaabndaanaa debwewin wi-bizindimeng kendimookiiwin njisa
ode ji-nsastamong ezhi-miikseg miiniwaa ezhi-nowendaasiimgok kina gegoo
bemaadiziimgak miiniwaa e-minidoowang. Gdoo-swe-o-kiinaa maanda
nbwaakaawin ji-maasedimeng ezhi-dibaabiishkoodoowing mnaadendiwin
Shkakimi-kweng ezhi-bimaadiziiying nji-sa nindan Niizhwaaswi Gimishoomsinaa
Nakazan gdoo-mooshchigewinan ji-mooshtoowin kina gegoo gaataaying yaa’in.
Mkowendan bimaadiziwin gaa-bi-zhi-teg nbiing, asiniing, mitigoong, ezaakiig,
bineshiinying, maage anangoong. Wenesh yaawong Nbwaakaawin wiiniwaa sa
nji? Wenesh gaa-kendiman nongo?