Aakide’ ewin — Bravery

As protectors of life, bravery requires us to live with a good heart. We commit to

correcting injustices that cause imbalance with Creation. We accept responsibility for the  

physical and spiritual gifts given to us by the Creator as human beings, listening with our 

hearts, always speaking the truth, standing strong, sharing our knowledge, and adapting in

order to continue our way of life.

Use your senses to feel the natural world around you. Think about the life journey of the

water, rocks, trees, plants, birds, or the stars. What is bravery to them? How do they

protect us?

Aakide’ ewin — Bravery

Ekowaabndangik bimaadiziwin gidindowendimigoomi ji-mina-ode’eying. Aabideg

go ji-teg mkowaataagoziwin gegoo mji’ii zhiwebak mompii Gzheminidoozhichiganing.

Gdoo-mina-daapinaanaa kina-gegoo ezhi-miingwew’ziiying gaazhimiingooying

Gzheminidoo, ezhi-bizindimeng gde’ewininaa, pane waazhidebwe’endimeng,

mshkoogaabwiying, maandookiiying ekendimang, ezhidebwe’endimeng

ji-ni-aabiji-naakaaziying waani-zhi-bimaadiziying.

Nakazan gdoo-mooshchigewinan ji-mooshtoowin kina gegoo gaataaying yaa’in.

Mkowendan bimaadiziwin gaa-bi-zhi-teg nbiing, asiniing, mitigoong, ezaakiig,

bineshiinying, maage anangoong. Wenesh yaawong aakode’ewin wiiniwaa sa nji?

Wenesh e-zhi-ginowendimoweng?

Odawa Ojibwe Heritage Michigan