Zaagidowin — Love
Love is feeling the sacredness of life. Everything we need to live and thrive is provided
through the Creator’s generosity and unconditional love. By loving ourselves and others
we recognize that we are a reflection of Creation. From this center of unconditional love,
we embrace our relationship with all of Creation — the earth, water, trees, animals,
plants, and human beings.
Use your senses to feel the natural world around you. Think about the life journey of the
water, rocks, trees, plants, birds, or the stars. What is love to them? How is Creation
loving you today?
Zaagidowin — Love
Zaagidowin aawan getchi-piitendaagok bimaadiziwin. Kina-gegoo meneziying jibimaadiziying
miiniwaa ji-gishkiweziiying temgwad zhinda Gzheminidoo gaamiigwed
miiniwaa mooshkin zaagidowin. Pii-dash zaagidizying miiniwaa kinawaya
gnisdowaabndaanaa kina ezhi-waabmidizying mompii Gzheminidoo
zhichiganing. Nji-dash zhindaa aabitoweying minik eteg zaagidowin, gdoo-minadaapinaanaa
eshseying nji-sa kina-gegooGzheminidoo-zhichiganing – aki, nibi,
mitigoog, wesiinyag, ezaakiig, miiniwaa bemaadizijig.
Nakazan gdoo-mooshchigewinan ji-mooshtoowin kina gegoo gaataaying yaa’in.
Mkowendan bimaadiziwin gaa-bi-zhi-teg nbiing, asiniing, mitigoong, ezaakiig,
bineshiinying, maage anangoong. Wenesh yaawong zaagidowin wiiniwaa sa nji?
Wenesh ezhi-zaagtoowin gzheminidoo zhichigan nongo?